(Builds on: Visualisation basics (1))
(Leads to: ggplot2 extensions, Annotations, ggplot2 calls, Labels, Scales, The grammar of graphics)
Now it’s time to learn some more of the components that make up ggplot2.
Statistical transformations, or stats for short, allow you to plot summaries of the data and are needed for important visualisations like the histogram.
Position adjustments help handle overlapping objects. They’re essential for bar graphs, but are also useful for point data.
Coordinate systems control how the x and y aesthetics map to position on the plot. You’ll use them least of any ggplot2 component, but when you do need them they’re invaluable.
You’ll also learn a bit about the underlying theory of ggplot2, the layered grammar of graphics.
Finally, you’ll learn a more compact style of ggplot2 calls that you’ll use throughout the rest of the course.
Statistical transformations [r4ds-3.7]
Position adjustments [r4ds-3.8]
Coordinate systems [r4ds-3.9]
The layered grammar of graphics [r4ds-3.10]